TMM began as and remains a Christian foundation. One of the unique features of the institution is the Department of Chaplaincy which is always present at the patients’ side to offer support and morale, an important aspect in times of hopelessness. The patients who walk in here come with physical scars and broken minds.
As the physicians strive to heal the body, the heart and soul receives calm from the pastoral care provided in TMM.
The Chaplaincy team consists of Chaplain, Spiritual Counsellors, Evangelists and Volunteers.

Spiritual Care to the Patients
- Regular visits to the in-patient wards
- Counselling
- On Call Chaplain availability
- Daily Morning and evening devotion and family prayer which is relayed over the Public Address System to the Wards.
- Critical Care Unit Visit and Prayer
- Healing Music Program
- Praying Before Surgery
- Post-Surgery visit.
- Spiritual care, in associating with the Behavioral Medicine department.
- Literature distribution etc.
Spiritual Care to the Staff
- Departmental and Ward Prayers.
- Morning and evening chapel service.
- One to one visit @ worksite.
- Annual Family Get-together – Olivu Chillakal Pookumbol
- Doctors Family Meet
- Upper Room Prayer Meetings
- Musical Instrumental Class
- Spiritual Induction for new staff
- Saline Training Program
- Annual Spiritual Week with staff involving programs etc.
- Mission Healing Training Program
Daily Morning Chapel Services

The Upper Room Worship Team

The Upper Room Prayer Journal

Healing Music Program

Prayer Song: Retirement Event, TMM Chapel

Morning Prayer: OPD Area, PJB First Floor